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Thursday, May 5, 2011

IpDaily Rounded Corners- Know the Code

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Interesting when we undertake the obligation to support our "code" even in a rapidly changing environment. With the 8th coming of our precious explorer here is what our very important developer of the Rounded Corner code has to say:

When I came back to it, much had changed. Too much...benefit ratio was too ridiculous for me to continue work on this...

Foolishly, I never wrote anything to this effect because I'd hoped to give it a new college try at some point.
Turns out I like riding my bicycle during my free time more than maintaining this project.

Drew Diller Our Leader in the rounded corner code

However Drew has drawn a new line in the sand of ethical round corner care when stating plainly:

This was a neat experiment, but note that I never took the version numbers out of "alpha" mode. If you feel that my having abandoned this project is in poor taste, let me know, as I have all the records of people who kindly made donations here, and I will refund your money.

Therefore the next time you get so caught up in the game as to wonder if you truly believe in the code, and yes I refer to open source code, just remember how we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us when we support the cause of one of early pioneers. Will there be even just one who will step forward and assume the challenge and take up the chalice to lead all us all in this bloodless revolution of the rounded corners?

"   The CSS3 border-radius property allows web developers to easily utilise rounder corners in their design elements, without the need for corner images or the use of multiple div tags, and is perhaps one of the most talked about aspects of CSS3.
Since first being announced in 2005 the boder-radius property has come to enjoy widespread browser support (although with some discrepancies) and, with relative ease of use, web developers have been quick to make the most of this emerging technology.                    

The code for this example is, in theory, quite simple:
#example1 {
border-radius: 15px;
The Syntax:
border-*-*-radius: <length> | <%> ] [ <length> | <%> ]?
border-top-left-radius: 10px 5px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10% 5%;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
Where two values are supplied these are used to define, in order, the horizontal and vertical radii of a quarter ellipse, which in turn determines the curvature of the corner of the outer border edge.
Where only one value is supplied, this is used to define both the horizontal and vertical radii equally.
The following diagram gives a few examples of how corners might appear given differing radii:

What you see? Is it what you asked for? When browsers change our vision, what do the Web Developers do?

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